Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have found myself more occupied than have in the past. I can report that I have been doubly lucky in the past week. I was selected to goal umpire 2 playoff matches in the Women's ACTAFL and I have found some part-time employment.

The first stroke of luck I was informed of last Tuesday at the umpires' training session at Manuka Oval. Being selected to do playoff games is something of an honour as it is an acknowledgement of good umpiring skills throughout the year. I'm very thankful for the opportunity and hope to get more playoff games in the coming weeks. It was this Saturday that the games were played, one after the other. The problem with women's sport is that it is not taken as seriously as men's sports so the quality of play is not of the highest caliber. Nevertheless, the games were interesting. The second game ended in a forfeit after one team, already short a few players, suffered injuries which put them below the minimum amount required. The last injury was fairly serious and the poor girl was knocked out. The play was clean and it just happened to have unfortunate consequences. Luckily for the losing team, the playoff scheme is such that they get a second chance next week. Hopefully, with many playoff rounds left to play, I'll be selected for a few more games.

As mentioned, I've managed to find some part-time employment at a Cafe Presto, a little restaurant not far from where I live. It may be cliched, but I'm making pizza, among a few other duties. I don't know why, but I feel content when making pizza. It's something about creating something with some skill, rather than putting a couple beef patties on a burger. Interestingly, I don't think that there's a single Italian among the staff. The chef is a rather quirky German named Gunder who's travelled the world and has a very interesting sense of humour. I found this job because one of my floormates works there and mentioned that they had lost quite a few staff. One day, I agreed to go down and fill in for his shift since he's been sick. I filled in and got a job. Wages are pretty good in Australia and I'm looking forward to making a little disposable income.

I was also delighted to hear that Canada earned it's first Olympic medals today, among them a silver in rowing. Although Canada produces many champion rowers (think Silken Laumann for one), I think few realize just how long a tradition this is in Canada. Canada's first international championship was in rowing. In August of 1867, Canada being only a few weeks old, 4 fisherman/rowers from New Brunswick rowed in Paris against British and French teams. The Canadians wore pink caps and overalls that must have seemed absurd to the spectators. Believing in them, their home town had bet a large sum of money on the race. Undaunted, the 4 rowed and beat the competition. From then on, they were known as the "Paris Crew" and remained undefeated for the rest of their careers together.

The Paris Crew had one advantage over the competition in that they rowed with no coxswain and they were fishermen. With no coxswain, the boat was considerably lighter allowing them to be faster and more manoeuverable. It's good to see Canadian rowers carrying on this tradition of excellence.

Also, I added a few photographs of my Melbourne trip on my blog last week. Be sure you take a look.

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