Sunday, May 4, 2008

Once More Unto the Breach

This being the first week back, the theme has been getting back into the routine. The last week has been fairly uneventful with the only thing of note being the return of the torts mid-semester exam. I received a grade of "Credit" which is defined as "work of good quality". This effectively means I am at the level, or perhaps slightly ahead, of where I would normally be expected to be.

Grades in Australian universities are divided into the following categories: High Distinction (HD), Distinction (D), Credit (C), Pass (P) and Fail (N). From what I'm told, it is extremely difficult to get HDs and Ds at law school. All any of us can do is our best and I did my best on the torts exam.

The exam itself was called "redeemable" which means that if I do better than a credit on my final exam, my marks wil be adjusted such that I will be given the higher mark. I'm also anxious to see how I did on my other assignments, or, as they are called down here, assessments.

Aside from the return to school, nothing of importance has occurred this week. I continue to umpire, although tonight I went to a pub with some of my floormates. With the return of assessments coming up, though, it will give me a good prima facia look at my legal studies; where I need to improve and where I'm excelling.

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