Monday, May 10, 2010

Give a Little Bit

This has actually been a pretty rough week. The last of my assignments were due and I had a bit of bad luck. I've also had supervisor training at ACTTAB which took longer than I thought and didn't go all that well at first. I've also had some bad luck.

Positively, my assignments are all done although it was a lot of work to finish them. I had a 4 000 word essay about privacy due on Monday and a presentation about privacy in the context of intellectual property on Thursday. I think I did well on both of them. I also received a Distinction grade for my intellectual privacy essay, so I'm pretty happy about that. Now, it's clear sailing until exams.

On Tuesday, I biked through a rainstorm to get to umpire practice because I was told we had new uniforms. Essentially, the umpires had a new sponsor and we needed the uniforms with the new logo on it. Our coach had told us that it was imperative for us to get the new uniforms before the next round started and I didn't want to wait a week. I was very wet when I pulled in so you can imagine my surprise when the new uniforms were not what we expected. While the uniforms were new there was actually no new sponsor, so I could still use my old uniform. I stuck around for training but I wasn't very happy.

The next few days were devoted to supervisor training at the Garema Place branch of ACTTAB. The training involved me coming in early in the morning to help with the setup. It was implied that it would only take the morning but I ended up staying until the early evening. The next day was my turn to supervise under the watchful eye of the manager and it didn't go that well; I feel like I got nearly everything wrong and I was glad when that day was over. The next day was much the same, except a different manager and I managed to do much better. On the plus side, I do get paid for it. I'll also have to do a few night training shifts to learn how to close.

Now it seems that my bike has decided to have a meltdown. The pedals aren't moving and are loose. Add to that, neither the brakes nor the gears work well. I've got to see about getting it fixed. I'll see what I can do about turning this luck around in the coming weeks. I hope it changes by exam time.

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